I just received the update on how well the Manta Catamaran Migration went along and had to share!
Jeff Ferris aka Scubadoggy Google Me
"Manta Catamarans
May, 2008
2008 Manta Migration.
Well, the 2008 Manta Migration is history and what a time was had by all. Twenty-five boats were signed up with five of these being Powercats. We met the first evening at the Castaway's Restaurant in Boot Key Harbor, Marathon. The welcome packs (tote bags donated by West Marine) were stuffed with hats, T-shirts, key floats and cozies. Scott Financial (Kim Madigan) sponsored our get-acquainted cocktails and hors d'oeuvres while we got the agenda down and determined how the races would be run over the next few days. Someone once said that "cruiser's racing" is sort of like the special Olympics, but this does a dis-service to the special Olympics.
The skippers meeting for the first race was held the next morning at 9am with stragglers coming in a bit late due to the good time the previous evening. The Powercats were the marks and they had a poker run going in--as the sailors went by they would throw a bag of sand (with a playing card hidden in it) to the mark boat. When it was all over the Powercat that had the best poker hand would win a bronze Manta trophy. This provoked a few wild moments as the sailors got close enough to get the card to the Powercat without hitting either them or the other racers.
We raced to the entrance of Bahia Honda State Park where a potluck dinner was planned. Leo and Betty Hilke on "Dues Paid" were the winners of the first race, but we all had a great run. Image Blocked
The next day was a laid back run down to New Found Harbor where Manta sponsored a dinner at the Parrot-dise Restaurant. But, before we all met for chow the Blind Dinghy Races were on. This is a timed event where usually the wife tells the skipper where to go while he can't see. A new record was set by Tom and Sally Reed from "Seacret" in hitting one of the marks six times (the old record was once). Thank heavens these are inflatables we are using and that the Kosmacs on "C-Level" have a sense of humor. Sally demanded and received a glass of wine on finishing dead last. This is an honor Sarah and I held from last year, so we empathize with the Reeds. Howard and Debra Reed of "Joint Venture" were the winners with a perfect time. Interesting that both first and last were both named Reed!
Saturday started with an anchor start race out of New Found Harbor. The trick is to get the anchor and sails up while watching all around you for others doing the same. Lots of fun and very educational. "Now and Zen" and "Storyteller" were the two fastest boats with Ralph and Leslie on "Now and Zen" taking the honors. A ways back were "Seacret," "Manta One," and "St. Christopher" all locked in a dual and all finishing within seconds of each other after a 20 mile race (and some great tactics on Seacret's part). After the race we all sailed by Mallory Square looking really good when we were blasted by some of our racers who took to dinghies with large water guns who said they were "blessing the fleet." Over twenty Mantas sailing by was a sight, and we constantly got comments on our great looking boats. We held clinics on rigging, spinnaker handling and maintenance while spending some great times together.
The final evening was an awards dinner in Key West sponsored by Manta where all the trophies and donations from our vendors were given out. The Powercat poker run (and final trophy) was won by Marty and Buena Silverman of "Seapaws" with a royal flush.
We are starting to plan next year's Migration which will take place in April, as in years past. We hope that our owners will continue the input on where to have it; those of you thinking of buying a Manta this year will contribute as well. So far we have had it in the Florida Keys and the Abacos, and we have loved both areas.
Fair winds and smooth sailing."
Visit MantaCatamarans To See The New MkIV Sailcat!
Dan Even
Manta Catamarans